
We are now meeting for all of our regular service times. We will also continue to broadcast our Worship Services on Facebook Live, the radio, and our app.

Covid-19 Precautions
We want you to feel safe!

- Maintaining social distance is hard especially at church, but we do ask that you sit with your family and avoid handshakes and hugs.

- All songbooks and pew bibles have been removed. Songs will be on the screens.

- We have installed more hand sanitizing stations throughout the church and have masks available.

- Please only use the restrooms on the children's side.

- Please come in and out using the doors in the Sanctuary.

- Ushers will be at the back with the offering plates for your giving.

- We ask that if you're feeling sick or do not feel comfortable joining us, please stay home. We will continue to broadcast our services on Facebook, the radio, and our church app.