Here at Porters Creek, we want to take the necessary precautions to stop the spreading of sickness and to ensure the safety of those who may be more susceptible to illness, as we gather together for worship during this Coronavirus outbreak. As of now, we will still have our regular services, and we will also continue to monitor the situation weekly. We have put together a plan to help us keep the risk at a minimum.

1.  We will be taking extra steps in the cleaning and sanitizing of our church each week.

2.  We encourage everyone to refrain from handshakes and hugs. We will also suspend our fellowship time during the morning worship service.

3.  We encourage everyone to practice good hygiene with simple steps like washing your hands, sneezing or coughing into your elbow and using the hand sanitizer that is available throughout the church.

4.  We encourage anyone who is sick or not feeling well to stay home and use this opportunity to enjoy the worship services through the Porters Creek Church app or by listening to the radio ministry.

5.  We will not pass the offering plates during the morning worship service, but if you would like to give, we will have a designated place available, or you can give on the Porters Creek Church app.

6. During this time, our elderly are at a greater risk. Let’s pay special attention to assure that all of their needs are met.  If you know of anyone that may need assistance, please contact the church at 731-376-8649.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. – 2 Timothy 1:7